Hastavinyāsa – the position of arms, hands and fingers

Name and translation of the primary hastavinyāsa-s:

hasta = the hand, the fore-arm, the position of the hand ad forearm
(a measure of length from the elbow to the tip of the middle finger)
agrapāṇi: the right hand
itarapāṇi: the left hand
patāka = (flag) palm flat with closed fingers;
viralāṅguli patāka = the patāka with fingers outstretched
ūrṇanābha = spider grip;
musti = fist
sūcī = fist with the index finger outstretched
ardha-candra: like the patāka but with the thumb stretched away from the middle finger
candrakalā: with index and thumb outstretched and the remaining fingers pointing the palm

añjali or hastāñjali: the open hands placed side by side and slightly hollowed
añjalibandhana: the añjali raised to the forehead.
prāñjalisthita = standing with outstretched arms and hands joined over the head in añjali
sudṛḍha abhigṛhītapāṇi: having the hands joined firmly by interlocking the fingers
hastasvastika = crossing the forearm with hands on the shoulders
dormūla hastasvastika = crossing the forearm with hands under the armpits

hastālamba also hastaka = hand-support
hastapṛṣṭha = the back of the hand / standing on the back of the hand

aṃsapṛṣṭha = back of the shoulder.
aṇgulīmukha also agrāṇguli = the tips of the fingers / standing on the tips of the fingers
aṅgulīparvan = the fingers’ joints / standing on the fingers’ joints (first line) and the thumb raised

ratni: the elbow / elbow-stand with the hands closed in a fist
(measure from the elbow to the end of the closed first)
aratni: the elbow / elbow-stand with the hands flat on the floor
(measure from the elbow to the tip of the little finger)
paścādbāhubaddha: the hands bounded behind the back

hastapāda = the hands and feet / with hands and feet

baddhahasta = fastened arms/hands

baddha ekapādawith arms fastend around one leg

baddhaikapādahasta =  fasten (one) hand-foot;

avakra pāda = straighten legs with feet closed together pointing upwards

ūrdhva utthita ekahasta = one hand in patāka (palm flat with closed fingers) with the arm is straighten upwards


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