Vegan milk (coconut – almond milk). Tasty, healthy and cruelty free!
ahiṃsā milk
2 responses to “ahiṃsā milk”
Hi Dario
Could I ask why you use cold press machine to filter the residue after blending the milk well? I thought the residue is all the best stuff of almonds, or its for more smoothie taste? Can I just blend them well and drink it?
Ciao Nora,
According to Āyurveda we have 1 + 7 + 5 levels of digestion, which separate the food in rasa (lit. juice or the essence of food / nutrients) and mala (lit. excreta or food particles devoid of nutrients). The cold press works more or less is like a pre-diegestion. It divides nutrients from fibres. Dietary fiber refers to nutrients in the diet that are not digested by gastrointestinal enzymes. The soluble fiber dissolves in water and goes one with your juice/milk. The insoluble fiber does not dissolve in water. As it goes through the digestive tract; it does not change its form and we expel it from our body when you defecate.
The residue you see on the video is insoluble fiber, tasteless and without any nutritional value that you can assimilate. For the human body it is merely “waste”.
Fibres have also lot of benefits so we do not live only on juices or veg-milks.
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